The Impact of the EU on Conservative and Islamist Political Ideas: A Story of Dubiety, Passion and Disillusion
Jean Monnet Chair COAWARE at Istanbul 29 Mayıs University cordially invites you to a guest lecture, join us on this Saturday (25 December 2021):
This event will be a webinar with Professor Michelangelo Guida from Department of Political Science and International Relations, Istanbul 29 Mayıs University. Our guest will talk, with specific examples, how the conservative political ideology has approached and shaped its attitude towards the European Union.This event will be chaired by Oğuzhan Barçın, Assistant to the Jean Monnet Chair. Registration is compulsory and the working language will be English, with no translation. This guest lecture will be held on Zoom, and the Zoom link will be sent prior to the meeting.
Thank you for your consideration and participation.
Please fill out this form to register.