Turkey at a Migration Crossroads: Source, Destination and Transit


28 June 2021, Istanbul 29 Mayıs University, Zoom Webinar

Turkey at a Migration Crossroads: Source, Destination and Transit 

Dr. Zeynep Selen Artan – Bayhan, Assistant Professor at Istanbul 29 Mayıs University

Moderator: Oğuzhan Barçın, Assistant to the Jean Monnet Chair, Master’s Student in PolSci.

On 28 June 2021, the fifteenth Jean Monnet Chair COAWARE event was organised as a guest lecture by Dr. Zeynep Selen Artan – Bayhan entitled as “Turkey at a Migration Crossroads: Source, Destination and Transit”

This seminar explored the history of migratory movements from and to Turkey over a period of sixty years. In the 1960s, Turkey became one of the source countries sending labour migrants to the main industrial capitals of Europe. As migratory routes evolved after the end of the Cold War and due to rapid globalization, Turkey transitioned into a country of destination from the 1990s onwards. Over the last decade or so, rising levels of high-skilled migration to Europe has placed Turkey at a migration crossroads as a country of source, destination and transit.