Women’s Movement in Türkiye: Late Ottoman and Early Republican Periods

Our events in March will be dedicated to celebrate #InternationalWomensDay through hosting meetings with leading women in academia, diplomacy and entrepreneurship. In this framework, our event will be a seminar with Dr. Z. Selen Artan – Bayhan on 18 March at 14:00. Dr. Artan will be talking about women’s movement in Türkiye through looking at late Ottoman and early Republican periods. Examining the public debates and activities engaged by the Ottoman women, this seminar discusses the demands they made and the challenges they faced by the early Republican political elites which eventually led to their silencing. The seminar walks through several stages and aspects of Ottoman feminist historiography which remained dormant until after a new feminist movement “rediscovered” their roots in the 1990s.

Please fill out the form below to register: https://forms.office.com/r/jQBBjtcbuq